Baker Mobile MVP Toolkit

Scaffolding components

Pure Components (a.k.a. Presentational Components) do not have direct access to the app data - the data comes from their parent component (using props). Refer to Dan Abramov’s article for more details.

Note: We do NOT separate components and containers into different sub-directories. Both components and containers reside within \/components directory. This is because the nature of your component might change as you are building your app and having a single directory for containers and pure components will save you from migrating import paths.

Running component generator

npm run generate
? Choose the generator to use (Use arrow keys)
❯ Component

Baker will ask you a few questions to customize your new component

? What should your component be called?  
? Which boilerplate do you want to use? <-- [1]  
? Do you need separate versions of this component for iOS and Android? <-- [2]

[1] Component boilerplates include extra code that can be used to pre-populate your components. Refer to Component Boilerplates section for more information

[2] If you want to customize how you component works on different platforms, you can have Baker generate separate .ios and .android versions of the component

Component directory overview

After successfully running component generator you should see your new component added to app/src/components

 ├── index.js         <-- your component definition
 ├── index.test.js    <-- component test suite
 └── styles.js        <-- stylesheet for your component

At this point you can jump straight into index.js module and start customizing your component to make it useful. You can then plug your new component into the main application screen (app/src/components/App/index.js) to test it out:

import ReactNative from 'react-native';
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import styles from './styles';
import TextBox from '../TextBox';

const { View } = ReactNative;

class App extends Component { 
  render() { 
    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>
        <TextBox />

export default App;
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